Contact the Board
The best manner to contact the Board is via email: Paola Learoyd Gibbs, Executive Director | Tara Strickland, Director |
PO Box 10912
Raleigh, NC 27605
Phone: (919) 568-3014
Important - Please read prior to sending your message to the Board as this may assist you with your inquiry, thanks!
1) All information related to licensure may be found under the Licensure tab. This includes National MFT examination applications.
2) In an effort to assist those contacting the Board office through email, the Board provides detailed answers to frequently asked questions. Please review the information on this website and the FAQs in the appropriate section prior to emailing the Board office. Emails received are prioritized to enable the Board to manage multiple responsibilities. Therefore, questions about licensure applications and requirements for licensure which are easily answered by reviewing the website will not receive top priority.
4) No evaluation of credentials for licensure nor licensure renwal will occur until an application is completed and submitted. Please reference the Application Checklist and Renewal page to determine which or if you should submit an application. Allow up to three (3) business days for a response to an email. Multiple inquiries are not necessary.
Related Links
The information contained in this website is provided as a public service of the North Carolina Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Neither the North Carolina Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board, any board member, board employee, representative or agent of the Board, nor any agency, officer, employee, representative of the State of North Carolina warrants the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information included in this website and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information.
This website contains excerpts from the various sections of the North Carolina General Statutes which are applicable to marriage and family therapy and occupational licensing. Reasonable efforts have been made to produce an accurate and useful reference tool for the public and the practitioner. However, individuals are encouraged to refer to statutes and codes for more information.